Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blog Number 2

Not once in my life have i wanted something so much that i would do anything to have it, and as soon as i get it, i hate it. Then again, no one has ever died from me getting something. In my reading, Mariams mom told Mariam that she would die if she went to the city with her dad. Mariam went into the city, and sure enough, when she came back, her mom was hanging by her neck from the tree. Mariam had to live with her father, and she hated every second of it. This shows a lot about Mariams mother. If i could describe Mariams mother in three words, they would be stubborn, mad, and unwilling. The reason i say stubborn is because she doesn't let Mariam do anything if has to do with her father. This is because she hates Mariams father, and anything do with him. I say mad is because, like i said, she hates Mariams father. This is because Mariams father made her leave her job as his maid, after impregnating her. I also say unwilling because when Mariam is offered to go to school, she will not let her. This is because she doesn't like the idea of school. This is why if i had to describe Mariams mother in three words, they would be Stubborn, Mad and Unwilling. There are many other words to describe her, but i believe that these are the main characteristics of her.

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