Monday, March 16, 2009

Pearl Harbor

Tonight I am Writing about the movie Pearl Harbor. This movie brings viewers inside Pearl Harbor, before the attack during it, and after it. This Movie illustrates how much fear, glory and bravery went into world war two. In the movie, living in a time of war is told through eyes of two child friends. These two friends names are Rafe and Danny. Here Rafe Meets and girl named Evelyn. Then, Evelyn and Rafe fall in love. When everything looks like it is at its best, Rafe's plane was shot down. He was presumed dead. After, Danny consoles Evelyn, and they end up to drawn closer to each other. After Danny and Evelyn get over their sadness about their friend, Rafe is found alive. This movie shows how much the war messed with peoples minds. People can really experience the attack on Pearl Harbor by watching this movie, or, if they a more realistic feeling, they can go the actual Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 

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