The article I read was about american idol hopeful, Casey Carlson, and her coach watching her live performance. In this article, Casey Carlsons coach, Patty Peterson, watched in minneapolis, while her student was singing on national television in Los Angeles. In the article, it describes Peterson encouraging Casey from hundreds of miles away. After Casey's performance, Patty applauded with approval. Even though Patty Peterson thought she sung well, the American Idol Judges did not agree. All four judges felt it was the wrong song for her to sing. the next night, it didn't take long for Patty and Casey's hope to vanish. Casey was the first one eliminated from the show. Even though she got eliminated, there is still hope for her to move on, on account of the judges picking her in the wild card position. All that is left to do for Casey and her proud teacher, is hope.
Bream, Jon "Eden Prarie's Own Gets Simonized on 'Idol' Ouch." Star tribune. 19 February 2009, 24 February 2009