Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blog number 3

In my reading, Mariam was told that she had a husband waiting for her. When she her this, she couldn't believe. Mariam was being told that she was to marry him the next the day. Even though this is already strange, it gets even weirder. Mariam is only nine, and her to be husband is FOURTY FIVE. It is weird to me because the wives of Jalil play the difference of ages off like it is no big deal. To me, it is as big of a deal as the age difference between Mariam and her soon to be husband. When i was reading this, i immediately thought of Nectar in a Sieve. The main character in the book get married off to a man that she doesnt even know, at a young age, and the man in a lot older than she is. Also, in Nectar in a Sieve, they go to a city where they see a lot of new things and have no where to go. Mariam also does this in the book i am reading. She has never left her little hut in her whole life, and now she left it to go to the city where her father lives. Sadly, when she gets to her dad's house, people refuse to let her in. I predict that in my book, Mariam will hate living with her new husband. I think one night, after a couple of years, she will leave his house when he is sleeping, and she will never go back. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blog Number 2

Not once in my life have i wanted something so much that i would do anything to have it, and as soon as i get it, i hate it. Then again, no one has ever died from me getting something. In my reading, Mariams mom told Mariam that she would die if she went to the city with her dad. Mariam went into the city, and sure enough, when she came back, her mom was hanging by her neck from the tree. Mariam had to live with her father, and she hated every second of it. This shows a lot about Mariams mother. If i could describe Mariams mother in three words, they would be stubborn, mad, and unwilling. The reason i say stubborn is because she doesn't let Mariam do anything if has to do with her father. This is because she hates Mariams father, and anything do with him. I say mad is because, like i said, she hates Mariams father. This is because Mariams father made her leave her job as his maid, after impregnating her. I also say unwilling because when Mariam is offered to go to school, she will not let her. This is because she doesn't like the idea of school. This is why if i had to describe Mariams mother in three words, they would be Stubborn, Mad and Unwilling. There are many other words to describe her, but i believe that these are the main characteristics of her.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

1st Reflection

Imagine being born to a mother who used to be a maid. Then imagine that the man she was a maid for was your father. This leads onto only seeing your father that you love so much only once a week, because he was not supposed to be your father. This was Mariams life. Her and her mother lived in a house outside of the city. They get hardly any money from Mariams father. And Mariams mother is one of those people that say, "Don't mind me, i'll just read in the dark." Meaning that when a good opportunity comes along, she never takes it. Mariam, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. If i could describe her with three adjectives, it would be hopeful, smart, and loving. The reason i say hopeful is because Mariam is hopeful that one day her father will take her into the city and take her to a movie with the rest of Mariams half brothers and sisters. I would say smart because Mariam desperately wants to go to school, even though her mother would never let her, and i would say loving because, even though her dad only comes to visit once a week, she still loves him the most out of anyone in the whole world.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A 1000 Splendid Suns

I choose to read A 1000 Splendid Suns because i read the Kit Runner and i thought it was a really good book. I find The authors writing style very intriguing. I also choose this book because i felt that cover made me want to read more about the book and find out what happens in it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jackie Robinson

Today, I read an article about Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson was the first African American man to play in major league baseball. This article talks about how Jackie leaped over the racial barrier a decade before Rosa Parks's incident. Jackie Robinson showed great strengths in many areas. He was one of the best player in the majors, ever, and he was really strong in the emotional department. Many people hated him and wanted him out of the league. Some people would spit on him during games and he would sometimes even get threatened. Even though his life may have been in danger, Jackie Robinson kept doing what he loved the most, play baseball. Jackie did not only help in the baseball department. Him getting into a big league paved the way for many other African Americans trying to play sports. Jackie Robinson, no doubt, overcame the greatest challenge of all, and that was leaping over the racial barrier to sports.

Goldstein, Richard. "Brooklyn Dodgers Legend And Civil Rights Pioneer." New York Times. 13 April 2007, 22 March 2009.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This week i read an article about how a woman who is going to Morocco for a year. This woman was in an on and off relationship and she decided to end it before she went to Morocco. This relationship had been going on for two years, and she had been wanting to end for a while, and when she finally did, she completely lost control. All this woman could do was cry, and when she was not crying, all she could do was cook to get her mind off crying. She tried to make herself realize that she is getting exactly what she wanted, and now she was hating everything about it. When this woman went to Morocco, she had a single bed in a hotel room, and she could feel was loneliness. This article makes people realize that, once someone is in love, it is very hard to be away from it.

Monroe, Rachel. "My Back-Seat View Of A Great Romance." New York Times. 21 February 2009, 18 March 2009.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pearl Harbor

Tonight I am Writing about the movie Pearl Harbor. This movie brings viewers inside Pearl Harbor, before the attack during it, and after it. This Movie illustrates how much fear, glory and bravery went into world war two. In the movie, living in a time of war is told through eyes of two child friends. These two friends names are Rafe and Danny. Here Rafe Meets and girl named Evelyn. Then, Evelyn and Rafe fall in love. When everything looks like it is at its best, Rafe's plane was shot down. He was presumed dead. After, Danny consoles Evelyn, and they end up to drawn closer to each other. After Danny and Evelyn get over their sadness about their friend, Rafe is found alive. This movie shows how much the war messed with peoples minds. People can really experience the attack on Pearl Harbor by watching this movie, or, if they a more realistic feeling, they can go the actual Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.